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Intent-Centric Blockchain: A New Paradigm in Crypto

August 14, 2024

Intent-Centric Blockchain


The blockchain landscape is continually evolving, and one of the most recent innovations is the concept of "intents." This novel approach is reshaping how users interact with blockchain technology, offering both significant advantages and potential challenges.

At its core, an intent is a clear statement of a desired outcome on a blockchain. Rather than providing detailed instructions for each step of a transaction, users simply express their goal. This shift from a procedural approach to an outcome-oriented one promises to simplify blockchain interactions while unlocking new possibilities.

Understanding Blockchain Intents

In traditional blockchain systems, users typically provide explicit instructions for each transaction. With intent-centric systems, users shift their focus to defining the desired result. For example, instead of specifying which cryptocurrency exchange to use and the exact trading parameters, a user might simply express the intent to purchase a specific amount of Bitcoin at the best possible price.

The execution of these intents is handled by specialized entities called "solvers." These solvers, which can be individuals, AI programs, or other blockchain systems, compete to fulfill the intent most efficiently. By delegating the complex execution details to solvers, users benefit from a streamlined and efficient experience.

Types of Blockchain Intents

Intent-centric systems accommodate a wide range of user objectives. Some common types of intents include:

  • Transaction intents: These involve basic transfers of value, such as sending cryptocurrency to another address.

  • Trading intents: Users can express their desire to buy or sell assets at specific prices or under certain conditions.

  • Protocol interaction intents: These intents focus on interacting with blockchain protocols, such as participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications or governance processes.

  • Optimization intents: Users can seek to optimize various aspects of blockchain transactions, including minimizing fees or maximizing returns.

  • Custom intents: The flexibility of intent-centric systems allows for highly specific and tailored objectives beyond standard categories.

How Intent-Centric Systems Work

The process of using intent-centric blockchain involves several key steps:

  1. Intent expression: Users clearly articulate their desired outcome.

  2. Intent submission: The intent is broadcast to a network of solvers.

  3. Solver competition: Solvers compete to fulfill the intent, offering different solutions and pricing.

  4. Intent execution: The selected solver executes the intent on behalf of the user.

By automating much of the transaction process, intent-centric systems aim to enhance user experience, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency.

The Impact of Intent-Centric Blockchain

Intent-centric systems have the potential to transform the blockchain landscape in several ways:

  • Simplified user experience: Users can focus on their goals without needing to understand complex technical details.

  • Increased efficiency: By automating routine tasks, intent-centric systems can optimize transaction speeds and reduce costs.

  • Enhanced privacy: Users may reveal less sensitive information about their activities.

  • New business models: The emergence of intent-centric platforms and solver services could create new economic opportunities.

However, challenges remain. Balancing user privacy with the need for solvers to access relevant information is a critical issue. Additionally, the development of robust and secure intent-centric infrastructure requires ongoing research and development.

Intent-Centric Blockchain Companies

The intent-centric blockchain landscape is rapidly evolving, with several promising projects emerging. These companies aim to simplify user interactions with blockchains by allowing users to express their desired outcomes (intents) rather than providing specific transaction instructions.

Key Players in the Intent-Centric Space

  • dappOS: Focuses on intent execution, allowing users to submit intents which are then fulfilled by a decentralized network of solvers. Offers a variety of intent types and is gaining traction with integrations like GMX.

  • Anoma: Pioneered the concept of intent-centric blockchains, providing a general dApp architecture to facilitate intent-solver matching.

  • Particle Network: Offers a general dApp framework for expressing and executing intents, combining it with other services like chain abstraction and cross-chain swaps.

  • Essential: Emphasizes a "declarative blockchain" approach, where users express desired outcomes as constraints, and solvers compete to find optimal solutions.

  • Self Chain: A modular blockchain integrating intents into its architecture, using a three-layer structure for intent processing.

  • Orb Stack: Focuses on cross-chain intents, providing a protocol stack for issuing and executing intents across different blockchains.

  • Orbiter Finance: A Layer 2 cross-chain protocol planning to launch a ZK-based rollup as an intent layer for aggregating cross-chain intents.

  • Across: Offers a composable intent engine with intent-based order flow and a solver network.

  • Aperture Finance: Combines AI with intent, allowing users to express needs in natural language and leverage a solver network for execution.

Common Themes and Goals

These companies share common objectives:

  • Simplifying user experience: Making blockchain interactions more intuitive and user-friendly.

  • Improving efficiency: Automating transaction processes to reduce costs and increase speed.

  • Expanding blockchain utility: Enabling new applications and use cases through intent-based models.

While still in their early stages, these projects demonstrate the potential of intent-centric blockchains to reshape the industry and drive mass adoption.


Intent-centric blockchain represents a promising evolution in the world of cryptocurrency and decentralized applications. By shifting the focus from how to achieve a goal to what the goal is, this approach has the potential to make blockchain technology more accessible and user-friendly. While challenges persist, the potential benefits are significant. As the technology matures, we can expect to see increasing adoption of intent-centric systems across various sectors of the blockchain ecosystem.

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