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Gradient Network, the open layer for edge compute on Solana, completes new round of Financing from Pantera Capital, Multicoin Capital, Sequoia Capital

open layer for edge compute on Solana

September 15, 2024

Gradient Network, an open layer for edge computing within the Solana ecosystem, announced on the X platform that it has secured a new round of financing. Investors in this round include Pantera Capital, Multicoin Capital, Sequoia Capital, and others. The exact amount and valuation have not been disclosed.


Latest Raise Date

Lead Investor


Gradient Network

September 15, 2024

Pantera Capital, Multicoin Capital, Sequoia Capital


The newly acquired funds will be used to advance its decentralized protocol and develop solutions for converting computing power and staking in blockchain networks.

About Gradient Network

Gradient Network is a decentralized platform for edge computing within the Solana ecosystem. It aims to make computing power more inclusive, accessible, and affordable for everyone by building a global, community-powered infrastructure.


About Investor

Pantera Capital, Multicoin Capital, Sequoia Capital, and others.



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